At Mooroopna Park Primary School we have a strong focus on the wellbeing of our students, staff and families.
In 2020 we were the proud winners of the Australian Education Awards ‘Best Wellbeing Program’. Our program is made up of a number of components and we are continually evaluating and adding to these to improve student outcomes.
- We have a full time Wellbeing Officer who coordinates our Paediatric clinic, works with visiting specialist services and can put families in touch with community organisations that may be of benefit.
- Our Paediatric Clinic makes it easy for families to access a Paediatrician for their children where necessary. Clinics are run each month and appointments are held at the school. There is no cost for families for this service.
- We have a Speech Therapist on staff who assesses all of our students and provides follow up therapy where appropriate. Our partnership with Melbourne University means we also host two fourth year speech therapist students each term who provide extra support and therapy. Our Speech Therapists provide one on one therapy, small group sessions and work closely with our teachers to support students. During 2022 our partnership with Melbourne University will be expanded and we will also have Social Work students on site providing counselling for students.
- Our Chaplain is on site Tuesdays and Fridays and provides one on one counselling as well as group sessions for students. Our newly equipped sensory room provides a welcoming, quiet space for students to have some chill out time or a chat with our Chaplain. At lunchtimes our Chaplain runs activities such as colouring and craft for any students who want to participate.
- All food for students is provided free of charge as part of our Healthy Food Program. Our full time chef caters for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for all students as well as breakfast for those who haven’t had a chance to have brekky at home in the mornings.
- Regular donations from Foodbank mean we are also able to provide food hampers for families who may be experiencing difficulties.
- Rumbalara Dental Services provide a free dental clinic at our school each term for Koorie students. The Victorian Government ‘Smile Squad’ dental van will visit the school during 2022 to provide free dental services to all students.
- The Primary School Nurse visits annually and provides a free assessment for all Foundation students including hearing and vision checks.
- The Glasses For Kids team will visit to check our students eye sight and provide glasses where necessary.
- Our Koorie Education Support Officer (KESO) liaises with and supports our Indigenous families.
- We currently have five Teacher Aides on staff who assist teachers in classrooms and provide extra learning support for students, both one on one and in small groups.
- We work with a number of community organisations to offer additional supports to students and their families as required. These include The Smith Family, Ganbina, Rumbalara, State Schools Relief, Orange Door and Lighthouse Project.